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Career Consortium Resources: Architecture & Construction Cluster

This guide is designed to connect partnership high schools to FHTC resources.

How To Use This Page

Each pathway has a box listed below.  If there are resources or courses that match up with an FHTC course or program of study, you will find the information linked.  Explore career options, current trends in employment, as well as wage information.  Additionally, explore each programs page more fully to find additional resources and information about that program.  If there are career pathway courses that will prepare you for particular programs, that information is also listed.

46.0000 Construction and Design

Career Pathway Course                                                                                                                                                FHTC Connected Course for Credit

21107 Drafting/ CAD IET 108 Technical Drawing                     

38001 Intro to Industrial Technology &

17113 Electrical & Security Systems

IET 115 Residential Wiring


Library Hours: 7:30 am to 7:00 pm Monday thru Thursday; 7:30 am to 5:00 pm Friday Located at 3301 W. 18th Ave. Emporia, Kansas 66801