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Career Consortium Resources: General Resources

This guide is designed to connect partnership high schools to FHTC resources.

Quick Resources

Key Connections

Career Reseach Connections

Interest Fields- O*Net

How to use these documents: 

Using the description select your main area of interests when it comes to a career.  The file will give you a list of jobs with that primary description and then secondary (and sometimes third category) listings based on the first letter of the job category.  For example: A-E-R would be primary interest: Artistic, Secondary: Enterprising; Third: Realistic.  

Once you have located one or more jobs that fit your interest, you can explore those job categories more fully at O*Net Online (link above) where the interest categories were compiled from.

Links to Fees and Admission Information

Links to FHTC Program Resource Pages

Jobs By Activity and Title

Library Hours: 7:30 am to 4:30 pm - Located at 3301 W. 18th Ave. Emporia, Kansas 66801