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Division of Gen Ed: Oral and Written Communication: SP 200 Interpersonal Communication

Research and Resource Connections for Oral and Written Communication Courses

IPC General Information

Interpersonal Communication is the process of systematic behaviors with a purpose over time that occurs between and among people.  It does not always depend on what is said but the meaning that is created.  Interpersonal communication is irreversible.

Key Topics of Study

I. Demonstrate an ability to apply effective communication techniques within a variety of contexts.

II. Demonstrate an ability to apply effective conflict management skills.

III. Demonstrate an understanding of the effects of gender and cultural differences in interpersonal communication.

IV. Implement effective listening habits and skills.

V. Describe the importance of verbal and nonverbal communication in interpersonal communication.

VI. Describe the importance of perception in interpersonal communication.

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Works Cited Page Reminders

Work Cited Page:  Ona separate page at the end of your paper you will need to create the works cited page for any article or book you cite in your paper. The list should be in ALPHABETICAL order. Reference the MLA libguide for more information.  Generally speaking, should look similar to this.


Parks, Malcolm R. and Mara B. Adelman.            "Communication networks and the                    development of romantic relationships:               An expansion of uncertainty reduction           theory." Human Communication Research          10.1 (1983): 55-79. Web. 29 May 2014.

Verderber, Kathleen S. and Rudolph F.                    Verderber. Inter-Act: Interpersonal                     Communication Concepts, Skills,                    and Contexts Tenth Edition. New York:                Oxford University Press, 2004. Print.

Wood, Julia T. Interpersonal Communication:          Everyday Encounters Seventh Edition.              Boston, Ma: Wadsworth Cengage                  Learning, 2013. Print.


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Handout on how to cite MLA style

In Text Citation Reminders

 You will need to use quotes and cite your information.  The website for format also gives you information on how to do this.  General format for citations is as follows:  

 -Over four words that are exactly the same in the same order, need to “quote” and (cite) the information at the end of the sentence it is used in:

            When looking at the dynamics of relationships it is important to remember that relationships change and evolve.  Although in most cases relationships move from “role-governed interactions to stable friendships” (Wood, 268). This development of the relationship takes time and invested interest.

-If it is a theory or principle that you are putting into your own words, (cite) at the end of the sentence

            Romantic relationships have been highly studied by researchers trying to define and quantify how the relationship dynamics work.  One researcher felt that the generally accepted three dimensions of romantic love can best be understood by using a triangle model for how they interrelate (Wood, 274). This visual representation allows us to visually consider how the three areas are connected.

Course Description

The purpose of the Interpersonal Communication course is to assist students with understanding the dynamics of communications. In this class, students will learn the theories that guide effective communication as well as explore the strategies that hinder and enhance communication. An emphasis of the course will be to examine communication across cultures so that students can gain a successful repertoire of skills for communicating in our diverse society.

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