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Study/ Test Taking Skills: How to take notes

To help students prepare and take tests for success


Notetaking is something that is different to every person. You could adopt two and combine or you can stick to one certain kind. The important thing is that you engage with the notes and you learn something. The physical notes are create if you do not have a iPad or Computer. However electronic notes can be available anywhere but you risk loosing them if you don't save them correctly. 



Type of Note Taking Styles

Cornell Notes

  • Several Sections; Topic, Essential Question, Questions, Notes, and Summery
  • Cornell University :

Mind Mapping Notes

  • A more visual way to create notes
  • Can be easier to study 

Slide Writing Notes

  • This method can combine course content with your personal note taking method
  • Can help students pay attention in class

Outline Method

  • This is the simplest note taking approach
  • It is structured like a class is structured 
  • You have to stay engaged or else you can mindlessly follow the lecture


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