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CHIPS for America: Job Principles

This LibGuide is meant to walk interested parties through the CHIPS Act for America


The Good Jobs Principle is meant to empower families and workers that work in businesses to ensure that they have a happy and healthy working environment. The definition of a good job given by the United States Department of Commerce and Labor is that the job has to provide stability and security for the workers and their families. In addition that all work deserves dignity and grace. 

Recruitment and Hiring


  • Applicants are free from discrimination, this means unequal treatment or their application not being selected for unrelated job performance skills or issues. 


  • No matter if an employee is full-time or part-time they are to be provided with a family-sustaining benefit that will promote their security this includes: 
    • Health Insurance
    • A retirement plan 
    • Workers' Compensation benefits
    • Work-Family benefits 
      • Paid Leave
      • Caregiving support

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility

  • All workers are to have equal opportunity in the workplace. In addition all workers can expect to be respected, empowered, and treated fairly. This includes underserved groups in our community. 
  • The underserved in our community could be: 
    • Poverty discrimination or inequality 
    • African American, Indigenous, or people of color
    • LGBTQ+ individuals.
    • Women 
    • Immigrants
    • Veterans
    • People with disabilities.
    • People without a college degree
    • Someone recovering from a substance use disorder 
    • Justice involved individuals.

Empowerment and Representation

Workers have the right to form and join unions. They can engage in activities involving unions without the fear of retaliation. 

Job Security and Working Conditions

  • Workers have a safe, healthy, and accessible workplace.
  • They do not fear arbitrary or discriminatory discipline or unlawful dismissal. 
  • The worker can expect to have adequate hours and a predictable schedule
  • The worker can work without fear of harassment, discrimination, or retaliation at work 


Organizational Structure/ Pay

Organizational Structure: 

  • All workers should feel like they belong and that they are valued
  • Leadership should engage with all employees and make them feel like they are a respected part of the company


  • All Workers are paid a stable and predictable living wage before overtime, commissions, and tips 
  • All pay should be fair, transparent and equitable 

Skills and Career Advancement

  • Workers will have equal opportunities and tools to progress in their organization
  • Workers will have transparent promotions and advancement opportunities 
  • All workers will have access to quality employer-or labor management- provided training and education 
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