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CHIPS for America: Workforce Development

This LibGuide is meant to walk interested parties through the CHIPS Act for America

Workforce Partners

  • All applicants will be required to engage and coordinate with workforce partners- this includes not only educational institutions but training providers, community-based organizations, labor unions, career and technical education organizations, but also public sector organization. 
  • Sectoral Partnerships- The act strongly encourages the development of these relationships to ensure immediate and long-term pathways for the local workforce. 

Facility Workforce Plan

The Plans must have five Elements 

  1. Assessment 
    1. They must have assessments for job types, skills, and workers have required overtime 
  2. Strategies 
    1. They must have recruitment and retention plans. In addition to this they must make plans to address the well-known workplace barriers
  3. Good Job Principles
    1. They must have in place Good Job Principles which is provided by the Departments of Commerce and Labor 
      1. Recruitment and Hiring 
      2. Benefits
      3. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility 
      4. Empowerment and Representation 
      5. Job Security and Working Conditions 
      6. Organizational Culture 
      7. Pay 
      8. Skills and Career Advancement 
  4. Work Force Training 
    1. They must provide Workforce training and a wraparound service which is including programming for the job training and placement for those who are economically disadvantaged. 
  5. Core Milestones
    1. They will need to use milestones to show what the program has achieved in addition they must process the reports on the goals. This should be shown in detail with strategic partners 
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