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Division of Gen Ed: Mathematics: MA 107 Technical Math

Research and Resource Connections for Mathematics Courses


Students will learn and demonstrate the use of the basics of mathematics, algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. Topics will include operations with polynomials, linear equations, systems of equations, right triangle trigonometry and basic statistical concepts.  The course is designed to provide students with the math skills needed to succeed in the technical courses they are taking and the technical degrees/licensing they are pursuing.

Key Topic Areas

1. Basic arithmetic functions such as operations on whole numbers, fractions, and decimals; radicals/roots; ratios and proportions; and solving math problems.

2. Algebra such as operations on algebraic expressions, solving unknowns and word problems.

3. Basic geometry such as area and perimeter of polygons, angles and triangles. (*Note- skip first 2 minutes)

Key Topic Areas

4. Trigonometry such as coordinate system, triangles, and the Pythagorean Theorem.

5. Higher mathematics concepts such as factoring, quadratic equations, and statistics.

This is a video playlist that has shorts over isolated concepts for additional help.

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