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Veteran's Rescources: College to Career

This page is designed to provide Veteran's with various resources for Career Success

College to Career

Preparing for the transition from college to career is an important step.  The skills needed in this transition are skills that can be applied to many different types of transitions you may face in your life.   Understanding your goals, proper preparation, determination, and purposeful action can help you achieve your dreams!  The information provided below represent the best steps to take in the process to job searching.  You can find more Career Resources provided by FHTC through the library.

Assessing Your Best Self

PERSONALITY TESTS: Having a good understanding of the type of person you are can help you better prepare for interview questions about your strengths and weaknesses. Results can give you some good ways to highlight strength on your resume as well.
CAREER APTITUDE TESTS: Although you may have picked a career field area, it never hurts to see what other fields your strengths might apply to.  This is especially true if you decide you want to switch employers/jobs.  Often times there are jobs that require combinations of skills, and knowing where your interests and skills intersect can help you target the "right" job for you, not just " a job."  Results can also give you good vocabulary options for your resume writing.
COMMUNICATION INSIGHT: Understanding your strengths, weaknesses, and patterns of how you communicate with others can be essential in job searching and keeping a job.  If you are not someone who can easily strike up conversations with others, then a sales based or customer interaction job may not be a good fit. Use the results of the test to help with resume writing as well.

Cover Letters

Creating Resumes

Preparing To Create A Resume:

Before you begin, be sure to gather some important information you will need to create a great resume:

  1. List of Schools (with addresses), dates, and program/courses of study. *Hint: Use class syllabi objective statements to describe what you learned or skill set developed*
  2. List of Previous employers- Include Address, phone numbers, supervisor names, dates of employment, primary job duties.
  3. Skills and strengths- use the information from "Assessing Your Best Self," employer reviews you have had, objective statements from course syllabi, etc.
  4. Volunteer Work- Organization Name, contact information, project, dates, responsibilities
  5. List of References- Contact 2-3 people you know personally and 2-3 people you know professionally (have worked or volunteered with them).  ASK them if they would be comfortable being a reference.  If they agree, get the contact information they would prefer to use

Crafting And Creating A Resume:

Once you have gathered all the information needed.  Now you need to craft and create the document.

REMEMBER: The goal of the "Resume" is not to get you a job- but to get you an interview.  The average resume is read in 10-30 seconds- really just skimmed.  For this reason, NO MORE THAN 2 PAGES!  If the employer sees the right keywords, then they will take a closer look. Google Docs, Microsoft Word, etc. all have free templates you can use.  Just remember- pick a template that fits your field and the company you are applying to.  

Watch the videos below for tips, tricks, and easy layouts that work!


It is absolutely essential that you take a break after creating your resume before sending it out to potential employers!  There are certain mistakes that spell checks will not catch.  For example- what if you wrote as a skill "Public Speaking" but forgot the 'L' in public.  This is still a word so spell check won't catch it- but it will make you look foolish to potential employers.  Tips for Good Editing:

  1. Walk Away- take a break, watch TV, play a video game, listen to some music.  You know what you meant to type and so your brain will often overlook errors immediately after the creation of the document (true in text, email, and paper writing as well)
  2. Have someone else read over it!  Parents, Co-workers, Instructors- another set of eyes can offer you good feedback on word choice and appearance.



Yes, the social networking site was actually intended for networking.  Use the site to get the word out when you are job searching.  There are often openings in companies that are not advertised, but you might be connected to someone who knows about one.

Previous Co-Workers, Instructors, Classmates:

Be sure to reach out to people you know.  Often they have connections also that could be helpful in finding good opportunities.

Tips for after you land the job

Fair Employment

Kansas is an employment at will state which means your employer can fire you for any non-discriminatory and/or non-retaliatory reason. However, there are some exceptions to this doctrine.

Kansas law makes it illegal for an employer to discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, disability, ancestry, national origin and age. Genetic screening and testing in the area of employment are also prohibited.

Presenting your Best Self

We live in an online social age
  • Social Media is not all bad, but need to use caution
  • No matter how private- it can be found
  • Be sure that you present “Employable” traits
  • You can edit accounts before job searches
  • Before Job Search:
    • Clean up your profiles
    • Delete, Remove or Hide
    • Add interests that relate to the job
  • During Job Search:
    • Stay Positive- Positive Language
  • After Obtaining a Job:
    • Be cautious about “connecting” with coworkers
    • Remember that it can still be found

While looking for a job and after you land that job- REMEMBER: USE CAUTION ON SOCIAL MEDIA!

There exists a very fine line between the Right to Free Speech and the Right to Employ.  While it is your right to say and post whatever you want on your personal accounts; It is also the right of an employer to decide if they will continue to employ someone who they feel reflects badly on their business or corporation.  Below are some examples and cautionary tales.


Yes, we live in a tech connected world.  However, there are still some expectations when it comes to cell phone use with jobs.

1.) When using the phone to connect to potential employers:

             Actually call- use good phone voice/ etiquette 

             Avoid Texting, use e-mail: NO Abbreviations


             If there is a need- specifically ask the interviewer if you can "check my phone" "add your contact information to my phone" "put the meeting in my phone calendar"- It may seem ridiculous, but a simple question can save you a major interview ding with some people.

3.) Cell Phones at your place of employment:

                  Work on only checking before/ after work hours or lunch breaks.  Some companies have written policies about cell use. Be sure you know the employer expectations before hopping on a phone while at work. 

4.) Proper way to answer a phone:

                 During a job search (personal phone): "Hello this is __________(your name)"

                 At a job: "Hello and thank you for calling _______________ (name of company) this is                                 _____________ (your name) how may I help you?"

5.) Make sure your answering service message is appropriate for when potential employers call.


Job Listing Services

Some Tips Before Diving into a Job Search!
  1. Think of the search for employment as a job
  2. Get into work mode while searching: will make transition smoother
  3. Set specific hours
  4. Work on it every day


Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance

Getting ready for an interview is an important step in landing a job.   Be sure that you are ready to present your best self to the person you will be meeting with.  Below are some tools to help you get ready- but remember:

  1. Dress to Impress: For some jobs, this will mean a suit but for others, it may mean simply clean business casual clothes. Whatever the standard dress for the company is- always take it one step higher in an interview. (Hint: don't forget the shoes! Shoes say a lot to other people. Clean, simple, and professional is key)
  2. Do your research- on yourself, the company, and the job you are being considered for
  3. Practice- Have someone run through some basic questions with you (easily found on the internet)
  4. Remember Non-verbal speaks volumes- How you sit, the way you hold your arms, how you move your hands and face are all important
  5. Manners go a long way- Be polite, say thank you
  6. Ask Good questions as well- It is important that you interview them as well. A good fit on both sides will be beneficial for everyone!

Words to Consider

"Networking does not mean using Facebook or Linked In. It means going to events, getting your face in front of people and setting up informational interviews."—A human resources professional in New York City

"It doesn't take 40 hours a week to look for a job. So if you're unemployed, do something: take classes, meet people, go to industry meetings, start a blog, read a book a week. Just don't sit on the couch and eat Doritos." —Ben Eubanks, HR professional in Alabama

"In interviews, everyone works well with others, and everyone learns quickly. Please tell me something else." —HR manager in St. Cloud, Minn.

Crouch, M. (2017). 13 Things HR won't tell you about keeping your job. Reader's Digest Online. Retrieved from:

Other Resources

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