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Connect to Support- Student Services Resources: Local Support Groups/ Services

General Support


2 Become 1 Grief Support

2 Become 1 Grief Group. We are a weekly spouse/partner loss support group. We meet 6-7:30 p.m. Friday nights via Zoom. For the link to join or for more information, email or call Teresa at (231) 578-0025.

Veteran Support Hotline

If you are a Veteran in Emotional Crisis and need help right now, call this toll free number 1-800-273-8255; Available 24/7- tell them you are a veteran or a family member of a veteran. All calls are confidential!

Suicide Survivors Group

A support group for survivors of suicide loss meets the third Thursday of each month at 7 PM in the Sunflower Conference Room at Newman Regional Health. This group is for survivors of suicide loss only.

Journey Together Cancer Support Group

Meetings are the third Monday of each month at St. Mark's Lutheran Church, 1508 West 12th Ave. For more information contact Central Cancer Care at 620-342-1117

SOS Sexual Assault Survivors Group

Secondary Trauma Support Services

Please call 342-7943. All calls are completely confidential.

ECKAN Head Start

Head start is a federally funded program that supports mothers and families of children birth to five years.  Office Located at 215 West 6th #204 or call 620-642-2304

The Family Resource Council

Meets at 10:30 AM the second Thursday of each odd month at First United Methodist Church.

Healthier Community Alliance/ Local Interagency Council

Meets at 10:30 AM the second Thursday of each even month at First United Methodist Church.

Birthright of Emporia

Birthright is here to be the friend that a pregnant woman needs as she navigates an unplanned pregnancy. Stop by the office at 702 Commercial St., #301 or call 620-642-8600 (1-800-550-4900)

A Parenting Group

Available to help learn skills that make life with children easier and more satisfying meets weekly at the Earl Center, 1601 State Street. Registration is required- Information can be found at or call 341-5799.

MOPS: mothers of Preschoolers

Meets 5:30-7:30 PM the second and fourth Monday of each month at Messiah Lutheran Church; 1101 Neosho Street

Individual, Couple, Family, and Group Counseling

Available through Emporia State University Community Counseling Services at the Earl Center, 1601 State Street. Information available at or call 341-5799.

Divorce Care Seminar

A group to find help and healing for the hurt of separation and divorce. Meetings are held from 6-8 PM on Sundays at New Life Christian Church (1505 Road 175). Visit or call 342-1144.

Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) Support Group

Meet at 6:30 PM the third Monday each month in Cora Miller Hall, Newman School of Nursing, Room 108. For information please call 343-6800, ext. 2602.

MS Connect Support Group

Meets the last Monday of each month in the Sunflower Room at Newman Regional Hospital.

Look Good, Feel Better

Free program from the American Cancer Society for women dealing with hair loss and skin changes from chemotherapy and radiation. Women will learn specific techniques to make the most of their appearance while;e undergoing treatment.  Sessions are held at the Emporia Cancer Care Center, 1401 West 12th Avenue.  For more information please call 342-0576



A support group for those living with an acquired brain trama or other neurological challenges. Members meet weekly at the Earl Center, 1601 State Street. Registration is required- Information can be found at or call 341-5799.

Flint Hills Dementia Support Group 

Meets from 5-6 PM the last Tuesday of each month at Sunflower Care Homes. This meeting is for caregivers, families, and friends of persons with Alzheimer's disease and other dementia. For more information, call Paula Sauder at 342-4939.

The Parkinson's Support Group

meets at 1:30 PM the third Wednesday of each month at the Emporia Presbyterian Manor. For more information please call 794-2146.

Quit Smoking Support 

Support for smokers who want to quit is available day or night from the Kansas Tobacco Quit Line- 1-800-QUIT-NOW (800-784-8669).



A non-profit public benefit organization dealing with narcotics dependency: 1-800-556-8885


To connect with the Emporia Area Alcoholics Anonymous please call 794-6718 at anytime, 24/7.

The Emporia Group of Alcoholics Anonymous

Meetings are held at 8 PM seven days a week, 10 AM Monday through Saturday and 11 AM on Sundays at 506 Commercial Street. For more information call 757-3316.

Flint Hills Group of Alcoholics Anonymous

Meets each Sunday at 6 PM at St. Anthony Hall in Strong City. For more information call 620-273-8134 or 620-220-0152.

The Friends of Bill W. AA Group

Meets at Emporia Presbyterian Church's West Campus (1702 West 15th Avenue). Closed Meetings on Tuesdays at 7 PM; Closed book study Thursday 7 PM; Closed meetings Saturdays 11 AM; Open meeting on the second Saturday of the month. Speaker on the final Tuesday of each month. For information please call 1-785-418-3991.

The Life and Hope Hispanic Group AA

Meets 6-7:30 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays; 5-7 PM Saturdays and 11 AM- 1 PM on Sundays at 22 Commercial Street.

The Campus AA Group

Holds an open meeting at Didde Catholic Campus Center, 1415 Merchant Street on Tuesday s and Thursdays at noon. For more information please call 343-6765.


Emporia AL-ANON

Meets at 7 PM Tuesday and Thursday at the Emporia Presbyterian Church, 1702 West 15th Avenue. Newcomers are welcome. For more information call 1-712-204-3907.

The Woman to Woman Recovery Group of Narcotics Anonymous

Meets at 2 PM Saturdays at the Emporia Presbyterian Church, 802 Commercial Street (South door, downstairs- Elevator is available). All women in a recovery are welcome to attend. For more information call 1-785-969-9048.

Fitness and General Health

Emporia Weight Watchers

Meets every Monday at the Emporia Senior Center, 603 East 12th Avenue. Weigh-in begins at 5:30 PM and the meeting is 6-6:30 PM.

The Sweet Spot Diabetes Education Group

Meets the fourth Tuesday of the month at the Medicine Shoppe, 1400 West 12th Avenue.  For more information please call 342-5323.

TOPS Morning Club

Meets from 9-11 AM Tuesdays at the Lee Beran Recreation Center, 313 West Fourth Avenue. Weigh-in begins at 9 AM, meetings are from 10-11 AM and are open to the public.  For more information please call 620-437-7982 or 481-6621.

TOPS at ESU Club

Meets Wednesday at Didde Catholic Campus Center. Weigh-in is at 4:45 PM and the meeting begins at 5:15 PM. Please call Belinda at 620-412-1449 for more information.

The Wednesday TOPS Club

Meets at 6 PM each Wednesday at 1015 Scott Street. New members are welcome. For more information please call 342-1906

TOPS 1090 Chapter

Meets Tuesday at 5 PM at the Messiah Lutheran Church, 1105 Neosho Street. Call Alice at 341-3717 for more information.


Additional Support Services Contacts

Library Hours: 7:30 am to 4:30 pm - Located at 3301 W. 18th Ave. Emporia, Kansas 66801