Developed by William Schutz. The theory focuses on the idea that we exchange and share information with others in relationships in order to have our needs met (reference Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need). The FIRO aspect promoted the sharing of feelings in order to more effectively meet those needs.
This theory has many various aspects and has been adapted by several researchers (the most popular ones are John Thibaut and Harold Kelly). This theory views disclosure of information in relationships from a “worth= rewards- cost”
The theory breaks down marriage types into five distinctive categories based on field research conducted. There are also some distinctive categories identified by Mary Anne Fitzpatrick.
The model was developed to quantify how family dynamics change over time and was broken down into 7 stages. Additionally families have their own unique requirements of communication.
The model discusses how we build and lose friendships in our lives. There are several distinctive reasons we seek out friendship and it changes based on genders and cultural norms.
Leadership styles are an important area to understand. The type of leader in any social dynamic can greatly impact how any group interacts, makes decisions and communicates.